It’s been almost a year since Russia declared war on Ukraine, and the Bay Area is still showing its unwavering support for the country.
Although some predicted that the public’s enthusiasm for the cause would fade with time, the blue and gold flags are still proudly flying outside of homes and businesses, pins with the colors of the Ukrainian flag still adorn jackets and blazers, and the slogan “We Stand By Ukraine” can still be seen on bumper stickers and storefronts.
The Bay Area’s commitment to standing with Ukraine has been a continuous show of solidarity since the war began.
When the news broke of Russia’s military action against Ukraine, there was a rush to purchase Ukrainian flags, leading to shortages in many parts of the region. But now, a year later, these flags are more readily available and are still being used to express support. People young and old, from all walks of life, have proudly flown the flag in the face of adversity.
If you look around the Bay Area, you’ll see that the flags, pins, and slogans have persisted, and will likely remain as a symbol of solidarity for as long as the war continues. The Bay Area’s support for Ukraine is a testament to the strength of community and the power of people working together to stand up for what’s right in the face of injustice.